Thursday, 10 October 2024
Virtuemart Extensions
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Hormone Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones

By Dr. Sherrill Sellman, NDTrade Paper: 376 pagesISBN: 978-0979917677
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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New and Expanded Edition including 100 more pages

This in-depth, comprehensive book is a MUST READ for women of all ages! It is the definitive work on how women can create and maintain healthy hormonal balance throughout each stage of their lives—from the menstruating years, through menopause and beyond. In this expanded version, Dr. Sellman includes new, important and life-saving information. Dr. Sellman shares leading-edge information that every woman beyond 50 MUST know. Read about her discoveries that address the challenges of the postmenopausal years: insomnia, vaginal dryness, low libido, pain and inflammation, toxicity, fatigue, weight gain, compromised immunity and much more.

By Dr. Sherrill Sellman, ND
Trade Paper: 376 pages
ISBN: 978-0979917677



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