Thursday, 19 September 2024
Virtuemart Extensions
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Death by Diet

By Robert R. BarefootTrade Paper: 190 pagesISBN: 0-9633703-3-2
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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Did you know that the body fluids, such as blood, spinal and saliva, of the healthy are alkaline (high pH), whereas the body fluids of the sick are acidic (low pH)? Did you know that most degenerative diseases attributed to aging, such as Cancer, Osteoporosis, and Heart Disease have been scientifically linked to mineral deficiencies that result in our body fluids, including your saliva, becoming more acidic? Did you know that CANCER thrives in an acidic medium? Did you know that vitamin and mineral supplements can LOWER your acidity of your body fluids and thus you become HEALTHY? This book answers your questions about Diet and how you can bring your body back in balance.


By Robert R. Barefoot
Trade Paper: 190 pages
ISBN: 0-9633703-3-2



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