Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Virtuemart Extensions
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Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods

By Bill Clendenon and David Hatcher ChildressTrade Paper: 286 pagesISBN: 0-932813-96-8
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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Part one is an unabridged edition of the 1900 book by Bill Clendenon. He researched the “vimana” a centuries old library in India. In it he found abundance of knowledge of diagrams or drawings of mercury vortex engines which he claims was the power source of the ancient UFO vehicles, and probably of modern craft.   Part two explores the theories of power systems utilized in ancient civilization of Atlantis that was based on broadcasting power for towers. He presents a fascinating analysis of the broadcast tower developed by Nikola Tesla in the early 1900s that used nearly identical principals. Discussed is how gyros with electrified gas (plasma) can produce anti-gravity and propulsion systems.


By Bill Clendenon and David Hatcher Childress
Trade Paper: 286 pages
ISBN: 0-932813-96-8



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