Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Virtuemart Extensions
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Chaos in America

By John L. KingTrade Paper: 262 PagesISBN: 1-893157-09-1
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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As the turn of the century began, many companies were going under. 2001 escalated the companies in massive filings of bankruptcy. Polaroid, Montgomery Ward, Enron, K-Mart, WorldCom, United Airlines, Conseco and even Bethlehem Steel. There are no stocks left of the original DOW Jones 30, as the shell game in reporting to the unsuspecting country goes on. There has been 7 trillion dollars evaporated in peoples pensions, stock portfolios and other retirement programs.

Just as Wall Street is hoping for a reprieve, a new flood of multibillion dollar companies are heading for even larger bankruptcies. We are bound to see a recession that is more severe and unprecedented sweeping through every sector of the American economy. The assault on the largest debtor nation (the U.S.) has begun and many countries are changing their holdings of the dollar. You must get this book to prepare yourself for what is about to hit.

By John L. King
Trade Paper: 262 Pages
ISBN: 1-893157-09-1




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