Sunday, 01 December 2024
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The Black Giant

By James M. DayTrade Paper: 146 pagesISBN: 1-893157-01-6
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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A History of the East Texas Oil Field & Oil Industry Skulduggery & Trivia

The discovery of the Black Giant in 1930 was the largest oil strike in the United States.Its gushers changed the race of the oil industry. A con man found to much oil. During the depression, tens of thousands streamed into east Texas engendering the biggest oil boom in history, cutthroat wars between big oil and small independent oilman. This book reveals the history of the H.L.Hunt, the first oil billionaire and the oil industry shenanigans. Based on documented history this book will expose the oil industry workings. A "must" read for every Texan and those who love or hate the "Big Oil".

By James M. Day
Trade Paper: 146 pages
ISBN: 1-893157-01-6



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