“Bringing The War Home” is the complete story of the background and history of Iraq, Hussein, the connections with Bush and his family and the complete background of the biological agents and plans that are and were instrumental in Hussein’s arsenal. This is really three volumes in one which lays bare a Pentagon cover-up intended to bury forever Washington’s complicity in supplying the c hemical and biological weaponry to Iraq. The succession of shocking disclosures leads you through a labyrinth of political expediency and military incompetence which saw American troops and support personnel inoculated with experimental vaccines – including a nerve agent pill that amplified the effects of the sarin nerve gas repeatedly detected by observers. The third part of the book goes into the mysterious malady first identified as a syndrome and later simply called Gulf War Illness. With over 100,000 returning American GIs stricken by a confusing spectrum of degenerative ailments that appear to be spreading to their spouses and children. This book will give your senses some overtime in evaluating the current “war” and provide you with the shocking truth of what is behind the mad push to Baghdad. The conspirators and connections revealed in this painstakingly accurate book by award winning author William Thomas will certainly fill in the blanks in your search for the truth. It will also give you enough knowledge to prepare for what is prepared for U.S. citizens.
By William Thomas
Trade Paper: 434 pages
ISBN: 1-890693-24-3