Thursday, 19 September 2024
Virtuemart Extensions
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Clash of the Geniuses (DVD)

60-minute DVD
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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In the 20th century, while Marconi, Henry Ford, Edison and Westinghouse managed to capture most of the attention, others with technological prowess bordering on the miraculous have gone unnoticed. Men like Tesla, Moray, Reich, Russell and Schaumberger, largely rejected, ridiculed and despised by the scientific establishments, labored in complete obscurity, achieving incomprehensible miracles like free energy, anti-gravity, transmutation of elements, physical rejuvenation technologies and more. Now, only a few decades later, a new breed of scientists are making rapid and yet unpublished strides towards unraveling the secrets. These are revealed in this amazing video.

60-minute DVD



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