Sunday, 01 December 2024
Virtuemart Extensions
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Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time

By Carroll QuigleyHardcover: 1348 pagesISBN: 0-945001-10-X
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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Dr. Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University, and mentor of Bill Clinton stated, "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which to some extent operates the way the radical Right believe. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table groups, have no aversion to cooperating with the Communists. I know it exists because I have studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years to examine its papers and secret records. The ultimate aim is to establish a system in which the individual freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact he will be numbered from birth and followed by number through his educational training, required military or public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, his financial and retirement and death benefits.

By Carroll Quigley
Hardcover: 1348 pages
ISBN: 0-945001-10-X



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