Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Virtuemart Extensions
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Who Financed Hitler

By James & Suzanne Pool535 pages… Trade PaperISBN: 0-8037-8941-6
Rating: Not Rated Yet
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The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise To Power 1919-1933

Hitler was launched on his political career by a wealthy and powerful secret society. Other funds came from the most unexpected sources. Germany’s most important Jewish industrialist even gave funds to the Nazis — to make them dependent on his money. Hitler got some of his biggest “contributions” by first discovering the corrupt dealings between certain big industrialists and prominent liberal politicians, and then blackmailing the industrialists with threats of exposure. Find out about the many prominent citizens of at least eleven countries who financed Hitler during his rise of power.

By James & Suzanne Pool
535 pages… Trade Paper
ISBN: 0-8037-8941-6




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