Friday, 17 January 2025
Virtuemart Extensions
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About George Green

George GreenDear Friends,

Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the “know” so to speak, to begin to focus on staying in the observer mode. This means as the chaos begins you will have to remain calm in the eye of the storm about you and know that it is an incredible play that is on many levels.

Though the global changes will be escalating on all fronts, it is time for you to get prepared for all contingencies. Please share the video “The Big Picture” as it will help you understand the Play as presented.

Thank you for participating and helping to get the Handbook For the New Paradigm into as many hands as possible.

“We are all humans becoming, help us become!”

Seminar topics include the coming economic collapse and how to prepare for the future.

A former investment banker is probably the last person you’d expect aliens to choose to communicate with but that is exactly what has happened to publisher George Green.


  • George reveals How he was contacted,
  • Why he was chosen and
  • the Vital Message he agreed to relay.

UFO sightings are frequently reported, but how many people can actually say they regularly communicate with “space beings.” George has made an agreement to publish the extraterrestrial information to “awaken” us earthlings so we may all be in contact (those that choose to be). George will discuss how and when he saw his first spacecraft, subsequent investigation and how things began to “happen” in his life.

  • How Earth began as a “prison planet” – a penal colony for the universe.
  • Why the latest “Star Trek” movie parallels the aliens urgent message to Earth.
  • An overview of how you can be part of the solution to the “happenings” on the planet.
  • The 300 most powerful people who control every major decision on Earth.
  • An incredible slide show of close-up pictures of several “beamships” and pictures of our space brothers/sisters (who live to be 1000 years old).
  • The Plan 2000 (The PLAN TO BEGIN WWIII) and how that will act upon your lives. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AND PROTECTION.
  • The planned financial collapse and what you can do about it.

CREDENTIALS: A former investment banker (Registered Financial Principal with the N.A.S.D. and a Broker/Dealer. Securities Underwriter, Real Estate Developer, Insurance Broker and Publisher. A frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows. He is Publisher of “Handbook for the New Paradigm” written by the ET’s. Each attendee will receive a complimentary copy. He is President of Global Insights, Inc. George Green has spoken to 1000s of people through his lectures and has appeared on numerous talk shows and TV shows telling his story.